
Without my macbook

So, yesterday was the day I have feared for some time now. My macbook have had some personality disorders the past 6 months and yesterday he said thank you and goodbye. I am officially without a macbook, which is kind of a nightmare as I will not be able to upload nor photoshop any photos in a while. Luckily he decided to die right after I unplugged my external hard-drive (yes I did backup, phew) but I know there still might be some semi-important documents that I didn't care to backup yesterday. Thanks for 3 lovely years together.


pris said...

i feel so sorry for you!

reckless daughter said...

that really sucks! I have GOT to back mine up! it's 3 years old too...that would be a nightmare!

Mariell Amélie said...

thanks Pris!
reckless daughter: you dont have any backup of your stuff? if its 3 years old i think you should do som ebackup asap! it happens when you least expect it.